Most Rocking Collectible NFTs.

Ici vous allez pouvoir découvrir des déclinaisons de mes travaux graphiques initialement dédiés au format affiche et aux beaux papiers mais adaptés au crypto art et à ses œuvres en NFT. Le principe des NFTs est simple et très intéressant dans sa démarche technique car il offre dès la mise en œuvre de l’objet une véritable signature pédigrée à celui-ci. Un certificat d’authenticité inviolable et irrévocable.

Ce certificat d’authenticité inviolable, la blockchain, s’inscrit dans le réseau avec le nom et les détails techniques de l’œuvre, ainsi que son parcours et ses différentes propriétés et bien évidemment la valeur que l’œuvre a pu prendre dans le temps. La crypto monnaie de référence des NFTs est l’Ethéreum qui est la première crypto monnaie éthique de par son principe de transparence. Cette monnaie est aussi à ce jour l’une des rares dont la valeur ne cesse de monter avec une certaine stabilité.

Si vous vous sentez une âme de mécène c’est donc aussi l’occasion de faire un bel investissement d’avenir en étant profondément ancré dans le présent avec un pied dans l’avenir et en participant au développement de l’artiste dont vous choisissez les œuvres.

Vous pouvez découvrir mes NFT art ci-dessous ou aller directement visiter la MephistoDesign’s Gallery dans un environnement immersif en réalité virtuelle en bas de page. La fonction OpenGL de votre navigateur doit être activée. Pour vous déplacer utilisez les touches WASD (avant, arrière, droite, gauche), et les touches QE pour pivoter. Cliquez sur un emplacement au sol pour vous y rendre. Cliquez sur une œuvre pour en lire les détails et aller la consulter sur OpenSea. Bienvenue dans mon Métaverse sur Spatial.

Vers la galerie virtuelle

The Rockin’ Spirals NFT serie

Grind House Rockin’ Spirals

This is the NFT part of the Grind Series I made. This one is the Grind House animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Green Creature Rockin’ Spiral

This was first a draw for a Bizarre Skateboards deck design. An animated version to suit my NFT Rockin Spirals Serie. The original deck is available here.

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Grind O’Clock Rockin Spiral

This is the NFT part of the Grind Series I made. This one is the Grind O’Clock animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Undergrind Rockin’ Spirals

This is the NFT part of the Grind Series I made. This one is the Undergrind animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Modern Iconic Paradise Rockin’ Spirals

This is the NFT part of the Grind Series I made. This one is the Modern Iconic Paradise animated version of the art print available on MP.

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Grind Bat House Rockin’ Spirals

This is NFT is a part of the Grind Series. This is the Grind Bat House animated version of the art print available on of the art print available on the shop.

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Super Vilain Girls

This is the NFT part of the Bad Girls Series I made. This one is the Super Vilain Girls animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Halloween Meyer Party

This is the NFT part of the Bad Girls Series I made. This one is the Halloween Meyer Party animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Psychic Bad Girls

This is NFT is a part of the Bad Girls Series. This is the Psychic Bad Girls animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Psychedelic De Joie

This is the NFT part of the Bad Girls Series I made. This one is the Psychedelic De Joie animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Very Bad Girls

This is the NFT part of the Bad Girls Series I made. This one is the Very Bad Girls animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Psychedelic Mystery Mahine

This is NFT is a part of the Bad Girls Series. This is the Psychedelic Mystery Machine animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Girls

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Girls animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Lights

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Lights animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Mod

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Mod animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Ride

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Ride animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Shake

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Shake animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Twist

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Twist animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Vamp

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Vamp animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Vespa

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Vespa animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Go Skirt

This is the NFT part of the Go Mod Go Series I made. This one is the Go Skirt animated version of the art print available on the shop here.

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Grind Showgirl #1

Grind Showgirl #1 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #2

Grind Showgirl #2 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #3

Grind Showgirl #3 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #4

Grind Showgirl #4 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #5

Grind Showgirl #5 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #6

Grind Showgirl #6 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #7

Grind Showgirl #7 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #8

Grind Showgirl #8 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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Grind Showgirl #9

Grind Showgirl #9 is one of the 50’s to 60’s Vintage Exotic Dancers series, the most rocking NFTs collectibles by MephistoDesign.
A tribute to the first and best ever exotic dancers from the 20’s to the 60’s.

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MephistoDesign’s Gallery

Bienvenue dans mon Métaverse sur Spatial. MephistoDesign’s Gallery est un environnement immersif en réalité virtuelle. La fonction OpenGL de votre navigateur doit être activée. Pour vous déplacer utilisez les touches WASD (avant, arrière, droite, gauche), et les touches QE pour pivoter. Cliquez sur un emplacement au sol pour vous y rendre. Cliquez sur une œuvre pour en lire les détails et aller la consulter sur OpenSea.